Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Hair

I spent like 2 hours with just my razor blade and a comb cutting my hair the other day. I ended up cutting my thumb twice and it seemed like it just wouldn't stop bleeding forever the second time I cut it. I got kinda bored with my old hair and decided that I needed a new "rocker-chick" style for the new year. My dad was a little pissed when he saw my hair the morning after I cut it. But he's gotten used to it... I think. I cant wait to see what my friends think about it when they see me in person again. My friends always seem to freak out when I do something dramatic/unexpected like this. Lol.



  1. Hey Samantha. Your hair looks awesome. I'm glad I got to read your blog. I guess I know why I haven't heard from you lately. Take care of yourself.

    1. Hey Chris. Thank you. I've tried contacting you many times by texting and email. But now I dont even have a phone anymore and my hotmail account isnt working. I miss you so much.

    2. Please email me sometime. When you get a chance.
